The community - Online Medical Card


In the growing cannabis world, it can sometimes get difficult to find an existing community for sharing and exchanging information due to the present issue of the quasi-legality of this medication. The Internet comes to our rescue out here; providing every weed consumer with a global online community to satisfy all their marijuana related curiosities.


An innumerable number of online forums provide you with an unlimited access to millions of users worldwide. You can register at any of these for free and participate actively in live discussions, surveys and polls.

Forums are also beneficial, as a large amount of audience will include all types of consumers, growers and medical professionals that have answers to all your queries. You can post your problems/questions on the forum and get relevant advice for the same in no time.

Grasscity forums,, THCfarmer, Rollitup, 420 magazines are a few of the good forums you can actively participate and browse through.


Gaining knowledge is a never-ending process. The more you know the more you can do and learn. Forums and online communities not only help you participate in general discussions and answer your FAQs; but also expose you to an agglomeration of marijuana related paraphernalia.

You can browse through introductions, growing topics, strain knowledge, legalization/decriminalization help, cooking recipes and general health wellness.

You can not only find your nearest physician and dispensary online but also get relevant information about the upcoming events, marijuana happenings, activist information, profiles, meetings etc.


For the avid and meticulous reader, many sites and portals provide relevant cited information. You can browse through legit research of various professionals who have conducted marijuana related research in collaboration with world famous universities/institutions.

Online portals like jStor, and Google scholar can help you find ample scholarly material to research more on marijuana related topics.
Weedmaps, Leafly and many other sites enable GPS location services allowing you to locate the nearest legal marijuana related help options.