If you are a first-time medical cannabis user, be aware that cannabis remains illegal at the federal level in the US, but many States in the US have legalized it for medicinal use (Few states have legalized it for both medical and recreational use).
Medical Requirements:
- To qualify for a medical marijuana recommendation, patients must have a medical condition that deems them eligible for the state list of qualifying medical marijuana conditions. The medical marijuana laws don’t allow doctors to write prescriptions for marijuana; instead they can give recommendation letters.
- A qualified patient can get a medical marijuana card after being recommended by a local physician and can then visit a legalized local dispensary for purchasing medical marijuana products pertaining to their specific condition.
- In states where recreational cannabis has been legalized, adult consumers do not need a medical marijuana card, but they may not have access to products with high concentration of cannabinoids designed specifically for patients.
Who all can apply for a weed card?
Here’s a list of medical requirements i.e. qualifying conditions, ailments and symptoms needed to be inspected by a physician to get authorized as a medical marijuana patient in California.
Patients in California above 21 years of age diagnosed with one or more of the following medical conditions qualify for a Medical Marijuana Identification Card:
- Arthritis
- Cancer
- Cachexia
- Glaucoma
- Anorexia
- Chronic pain
- Migraines
- Persistent muscle spasms, including multiple sclerosis
- Seizures, including but not limited to epilepsy
- Severe nausea.
For a complete list of qualifying conditions and guidelines, please refer to the California Proposition 215. The Proposition 64 in Nov 2016 made California the 6th State in the US to legalize recreational marijuana for adult users (above 21 years) although the sale of recreational marijuana is said to start on Jan 1st, 2018 and it will lead to a more integrated medical and recreational cannabis industry. Some variations are prevalent in different counties of California.