find medical marijuana doctors in Illinois

Medical Marijuana Doctors in Illinois - December 21, 2022

We made it easy to connect with marijuana doctors in Illinois for consultation. They can prescribe a medical marijuana card that will give access to buying larger amounts of cannabis than recreational users. It will also allow for the ability to have larger possession amounts of cannabis concentrates. Illinois requires a doctor consultation to evaluate if cannabis can be a helpful treatment. Learn how to quickly get access to medical cannabis in Illinois, which we break down for people below. We also share important information such as possession laws in Illinois, and the most common health issues reported in the state. 

Keep reading to learn how to get a medical marijuana card in Illinois, in which the first step is a consultation from a Doctor. on how to quickly get your online medical marijuana card in Illinois online.

Find Illinois Medical Marijuana Doctors

medical marijuana doctors in Illinois

The Online Medical Card website has licensed medical marijuana doctors in Illinois available for appointments on the phone or online. There is a one-time fee of $189 with a money-back guarantee if you need to be approved. An additional fee of $55 is due to the state of Illinois, which is valid for one year. There are cheaper options available for people who have a lifelong health problem and those over 65 years old. Veterans also fall into this cheaper price bracket. Scroll down below to learn more about these cheaper prices due to the state of Illinois. Veterans can also skip a consultation with a doctor.

Recreational and Medical Weed is Legal in Illinois

Recreational Cannabis became legal in Illinois on January 1, 2020. Before the legalization, the Illinois Medical Cannabis Program (MCP) was established in 2013. It is a state-regulated program that assists qualified patients with accessing medical cannabis from licensed dispensaries across the state.

If you have been diagnosed with one of over a handful of qualifying conditions, you may qualify to receive a medical cannabis doctor recommendation. However, there are three types of qualifying medical marijuana patients in Illinois: Qualified Patients, Provisional Patients, and Registered Patients. The first step is connecting with an Illinois medical pot doctor.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in IL?

how to get a cannabis card in Illinois

To get a medical weed card in Illinois, you must register on the government website of this state. The very first step is getting evaluated by a doctor online or by phone through our platform. Afterwards, the next step is to upload your doctor’s recommendation on the above Illinois government website portal.

What are the Qualifying Conditions for a Medical Marijuana Card in Illinois?

To qualify for a medical cannabis card in Illinois, you must meet the following conditions: 

You need written certification from your physician, who is licensed to practice medicine in the state of Illinois. 

The recommendation should be made as part of your treatment for one or more of the following qualifying conditions:

  • Osteoarthritis 
  • Cancer
  • Multiple sclerosis 
  • Terminal illness
  • Seizure disorder 
  • Glaucoma
  • Muscular dystrophy  
  • Autism spectrum disorder.

The most common condition that people apply for medical pot in Illinois is chronic pain and PTSD after that. This data is available in a 2021 report, which is available on the state’s website for medical weed. The third most common reason for people applying for medical weed is migraines, at 10.44%. Chronic pain is at 31.08%, and PTSD is at 10.44%. Osteoarthritis and cancer come in at numbers 4 and 5 on the list of the highest number of diagnoses.

Alternative opioids program in Illinois 

Residences in Illinois can participate in the state’s alternative to opioids program, which allows patients who qualify and the age of 21 or older to buy up to 2 and a half ounces of medical cannabis every 2 weeks. Cannabis does not have the same dangerous addiction side effects as opioids, and can provide similar pain relief. A medical cannabis recommendation must come from a doctor, and is valid for 90 days in order to register for the pilot program.

$20 MMJ Card

Acquire a physical marijuana card for an additional $20. It can be helpful to have it when going to a new dispensary or placing an order with a weed delivery service. Each dispensary will require proof of your doctor’s recommendations for cannabis. A MMJ card has all the needed information for them to verify your status if it’s active. It’s not mandatory to acquire a physical cannabis card from us, but will prove to be convenient to have with the amount of time it will save. Easily place it in your wallet or purse for quick, and easy access.

Cannabis Laws in Illinois

As we previously mentioned, cannabis has been legalized for both recreational and medical use in Illinois. There are advantages that come with having a MMJ card, which include the ability to legally have more cannabis weight. Which we will explain the difference next.


In Illinois, possession limits depend on the reason for possession and what it is being used for. Medical use of cannabis is allowed if in possession of up to 2.5 ounces and up to five plants, while recreational use is allowed up to 30 grams and five plants. 

The Illinois cannabis laws also state that medical users must have a valid ID card from the Department of Agriculture, while recreational users need a driver’s license or other forms of identification. Both types of cards are good for 1 year. Cards will not be issued without an examination by a qualified physician, who can then issue recommendations as needed.


With a license to cultivate, you can grow up to five cannabis plants per household. You only have to had lived in Illinois for 30 days before being able to have the ability to legally cultivate medical marijuana plants. Cultivation can only be done in a private area away from any local view. People can legally grow in their apartments if it’s not against the policy of their contract. The law allows the owner of the property to legally grow cannabis or give permission to someone to cultivate.

How to Renew Your Medical Marijuana Card in IL?

The state of Illinois allows for patience to renew after either 1 or 3 years, depending on the MMJ card purchased in the beginning. Nonetheless, it’s possible to extend your cannabis card while it’s active without having to pay for another doctors’ recommendation. However, if you’re not able to renew your MMJ card on time, a doctors’ consultation will be required. The state of Illinois will actually send an email about 45 days before the expiration of patience medical cannabis cards. Over 100,000 Illinois residence applied for a MMJ card renewal in 2021, and thats coming from only 14,585 in 2019.

How to find Dispensaries and weed delivery services in Illinois?

You can find dispensaries and weed delivery services by using our dispensary finder tool. It will locate a dispensary nearby your location. Easily see the hours of operations, and the official websites of each dispensary. This is a free directory where all cannabis stores can become apart from, and benefit from the massive organic traffic of our website. There are no huge premium charges to be a part of our directory list of medical marijuana dispensaries. Get connected with only licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in the state of Illinois. 

Veterans in Illinois do not need a Doctor’s recommendation for Medical Cannabis 

The requirements for veterans to have access to medical marijuana in Illinois does not require a doctor consultation. Instead, they provide medical records within the last 12 months from the VA Facility. They have a page dedicated for veterans to learn more about the most commonly asked questions.

Lifelong Conditions Eligible for 3 years at $50 fee 

In 2021, the passing of SB 2023 (PA 101-0363) reduced all the fees for applications by 50%. It also made it more affordable for people with lifelong illnesses which have been identified by their professional care provider, at only $50 for 3 years. People over the age of 65 or veterans are also eligible for these new reduced fee costs. An additional law made the medical weed program so much better in Illinois, which was HB1443. It’s now possible for Illinois residences to access more than one dispensary. They can now access multiple medical cannabis dispensaries to purchase THC products.

Official FAQ 

infographic Illinois medical marijuana doctors
Infographic on how to get a medical marijuana card in Illinois

We highly recommend visiting the official FAQ located on the Illinois medical weed website. Click the link above to quickly be sent to this page, with a ton of additional insight. Find a ton of very helpful questions and answers relating to getting access to a MMJ card in Illinois. They also have reports about their residence joining the state’s medical weed program, and the data shows the most popular ages are between 31 and 40 (Data for 2021). The most popular county with 30,984 patience is Cook County. The County of Dupage is next with 6,350 active patients registered.

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