CBD Oil For Allergies: A Lower-Risk Anti-Allergy Treatment
CBD Oil for Allergies

CBD Oil for Allergies – A Lower-Risk Anti-Allergy Treatment - November 12, 2018

Runny nose, swollen and itchy eyes, constant sneezing, or some kind of skin reaction, these symptoms of allergies can make anyone feel totally miserable. Allergies can be really brutal and make you very uncomfortable. Having said that, allergies are very common, there’s a very high chance of you having some sort of allergy. These allergies can be seasonal, chronic, or just reactive. And the worst part about this is that they can hamper your day easily. In every day’s hustle and bustle, nobody gets time to deal with this nuisance for too long, which makes people turn to heavily relying on the anti-allergic medications or what we call, antihistamines. But are these medications safe for us? And if not, what could be our alternative? CBD is known to help people with allergies and it can hold back the symptoms of allergies. It can help you in avoiding the usage of medications that leaves you feeling drowsy. CBD is becoming famous amongst people with allergies as it is the natural way to maintain their health and wellness. It can promote a good balance throughout your body. Just a few drops under your tongue can do wonders by holding back the allergic symptoms.

Causes of Allergies

Allergies can be triggered as the reaction to various foods, beverages, or some cosmetic items. This happens if your immune system mistakenly treats a harmless substance as a dangerous one. It then releases antibodies that tackle that particular allergen. If you are nearby that allergen again, the antibodies produced by your immune system release a few chemicals, that cause allergy symptoms.

Substances That Can Trigger Allergy Symptoms Are:

Airborne allergens: pollen, animal dander, mold, and dust. Some foods: Peanuts, wheat, soy, fish, eggs, and milk. Insect Stings. Some Medications. Latex or some substances you touch: these can mainly cause skin allergies.

How Anti-Allergic Medications Are Doing More Harm Than Good?

You may have developed a bad habit of popping a pill the moment you feel uneasy without considering the consequences of these medications. There must have been times when you felt really drowsy and drowned right after consuming the meds. Isn’t it? Well, you may not know but it has been proven by scientists that many of these anti-allergic medicines can actually lead to sleep disorders, drowsiness, dry mouth, constant headaches, memory loss, upset stomach, and more! Not only this, it has been proven through various experiments by medical experts that these medications can have different effects on different people. The same anti-allergic medicine may cause sedation for one person while being safe for the other one. These anti-allergy medications, we call antihistamine can also block the actions of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in proper brain functioning such as learning and memory. Studies have shown that constantly using too much diphenhydramine can increase the risk of dementia. It can cause too much harm to your brain by impairing many cognitive functions of your brain. These functions include alertness, focus, memory, and time for reaction. It can also cause more fatigue. But, the issue is that nobody would want to deal with these allergies because of the great discomfort they cause so what can be the solution? Well, have you heard of CBD?

How CBD Is an Anti-Allergy Treatment With Lower Risk

Every year many people get affected by allergies. For which they seek the anti-allergy medications that have many side effects we discussed above. The most potent substitute for these anti-allergy medications is CBD or cannabidiol. This compound is an extract of the cannabis plant is the non-psychoactive element of cannabis. CBD can actually help in treating ailments with its therapeutic properties which have been proven to mitigate allergies and all the related symptoms. You can choose CBD oil for allergies rather than the harmful anti-allergy medications. The human body has an endocannabinoid system (ESC), and this system follows a process, homeostasis through which it maintains the balance of your body. CBD increases the production of cannabinoids by working with the ECS. These cannabinoids are crucial for maintaining your appetite and mood, and can also help your body’s immune system. Not only CBD, but THC has also been proven to help people in reducing allergies and other related symptoms. THC blocks any response of the immune system for allergens, hence, reducing all the allergic reactions. CBD becomes very beneficial for seasonal allergies by regulating the manufacturing of white blood cells. The best part is you could use consume the tincture as it is, bake CBD cookies or even with tea and a tablespoon of raw honey. Let’s consider some very common allergies and how CBD helps to deal with the same.


More than 50 million Americans, alone, are getting affected by allergic disorders due to the persistent exposure to allergens. Not only this, in the United States, allergies have termed to be a 6th chief cause of chronic illness. Allergens are usually some common substances that are present in the environment but can be highly toxic and lead to allergic inflammation. Inflammation is a symptom of an allergy that causes the pain during sinusitis which leads to headaches. The inflammation can sometimes also lead to chronic diseases like dementia, obesity, heart diseases, etc.

CBD Can Help You With Inflammation

CBD oil can also be extremely effective for you in treating allergic inflammation as it helps to soothe your body. This is done by reacting with the body receptors and helps calm the immune system without inviting the harms that antihistamines do. CBD stimulates the cannabinoids that are produced by the body and hence ensuring the stability and smooth functioning of ECS. It is thus responsible for reducing the intensity of inflammation in different parts of your body.

Skin Allergies

Skin allergies such as bad rashes, and eczema or acne can be a big problem that can easily pull anyone’s morale down and make the person feel conscious. Using anti-allergy medications for these skin allergies or treating them can cost you a lot, not to mention the side effects with it because most of them are steroids.

Why CBD Is a Better Option?

Due to the versatile properties of CBD, you can apply CBD oil topically to help yourself against these skin allergies and reduce the inflammation along with the itching and pain. CBD also resists the production of sebum, which is responsible for causing acne. And not just the humans, you can use CBD oil for your pets too, especially if you have a dog. CBD oil works very well for dogs’ skin allergies.

Seasonal Allergies

You can’t work or focus on things when you are busy sneezing or are in constant discomfort. Allergens can be pollens, trees, grasses for your blocked nose, hay fever, constant sneezing, and whatnot. And eventually, everything gets very chaotic.

Choose CBD to Fight Seasonal Allergies

CBD is also known to fight allergies like Asthma. In this condition, the airway passage gets blocked and CBD helps by relaxing the inflamed airway passage of the body. It can help greatly with such problems as it stimulates the CB1 receptors in your endocannabinoid system. This helps in controlling allergies. CBD clears the nasal passageway and hence, relieving congestion and formation of mucus, which ultimately leads you to breathe easily.


CBD is the safest choice when it comes to dealing with allergies. Antihistamines are still in use widely but with the rising popularity of cannabis, people are slowly changing their choices and starting to use more natural ways to benefit their health, cannabis is the most famous one. With many health benefits, CBD will also give you relief from your allergies.

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